Friday, October 24, 2008

Silhouette (revised)

Say a man’s been down on his knees,
givin' the world its plow and seeds.
Backs been a’broken long ago,
nothin' taken gonna give him less to show.
Around dark corners are whispered promises,
and dreams that yet persist.
Festooned to his soul a guiding light,
and in him a flicker that still has fight.

Say a man’s shadow of youth
was caught up in the sunlight, shedding its sleuth.
Colored eyes hold a deeper shade of blue,
blistering his courage and boiling its brew.
Maybe the proudest men take hard falls,
cause others add gravity on to make ‘em stall?
Knocking 'em down so hard and wounded,
few can hold onto the reasons they really did.

Say a man's awoken to a day's ghostly gray,
and seen out from the cloudy shelter a light’s pale ray.
Gotta see it those angels that he's paid the toll,
don’t they know a man’s offering his bloody soul!
Rolling off his crumpled brow are daggers of sweat,
his back once broken now straightened, a silhouette.
More music in him before his last good bye,
a whisper of leaves before the Earth sighs.